Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ava is jealous

Ok, so Ava wants her picture on my blog as well. I guess I should be fair.

Friday, November 23, 2007

My Itinerary in a wiki

I just set up a wiki for my itinerary. You can access it at:
Unfortunately, this is not the kind of wiki that everyone can edit, that wouldn't really make sense. It's meant more as a source of info for me and people interested in my trip.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


It seems that I can post a few images per post. To test, here is a picture of Mars.

Starting this blog...

This is the start to my field blog. I'm not actually leaving for a few weeks, but I figured that I better have this thing up and running prior to departure. I'm hoping that this blog will act as both a travel log and field journal. I'll try to keep the boring research-related stuff clearly distinguishable from the [hopefully] more interesting writings on travel, etc. I haven't figured out if I can load images from my trip directly into the blog, so if necessary I will upload images somewhere else and provide a link. All for now...